Listen to Sue being interviewed, either at the time of the interview (3pm, Monday 30th September 2019) or afterwards by clicking HERE
Listen to Sue being interviewed, either at the time of the interview (3pm, Monday 30th September 2019) or afterwards by clicking HERE
One of the most common issues at the clinic is a client’s poor and reducing memory. Often it’s not the reason they’ve come to see me but one of a range of symptoms. Their primary issue is always anxiety-related and they may be consulting for anything from phobias or health worries to self esteem or […]
The World Health Organisation announced that one person dies every 40 seconds, they are launching their “40 seconds of action campaign” today I’ve been a psychotherapist for over 14 years and have worked with hundreds of clients with a wide variety of symptoms but of all the people I’ve worked with, those who have lost […]
Of all the professions I work with at the clinic, by far the greatest number are teachers, with police officers a close second. You could argue that these professions are high stress environments and might cause anxiety as a result, but I have an alternative theory. People with high anxiety are almost always over-thinkers…they brood […]