Sexual Problems

We can help you and your partner with many different sexual problems;

Erectile Failure

The inability to develop or maintain an erection.

Whilst there are many medical reasons for this problem (drug side-affects, physical problems, stress and fatigue, for example,) this condition may be also be a result of anxiety and, as such, hypnotherapy often proves very effective.

Please note: It is important to establish that the cause of this condition is NOT physical, prior to therapy. Please consult your doctor in the first instance.

Premature Ejaculation

The inability to control ejaculation (“coming”) adequately for both partners to enjoy sex.

Often a symptom of anxiety; ejaculation may occur prior to or soon after penetration, or in the absence of an erection. Sufferers may feel inadequate or under pressure before and after sexual activity and the quality of their relationships often suffers as a result.

Hypnotherapy is a particularly effective method of treatment as it involves no drugs or side effects and will have a beneficial effect beyond this one symptom.

Please note: It is important to establish that the cause of this condition is NOT physical, prior to therapy. Please consult your doctor in the first instance.


Penetration of the vagina is impossible or painful due to blockage of the vaginal opening, (caused by spasms of the pelvic floor muscles.) Should penetration be achieved, continued spasms may lead to pain during intercourse.

The belief and experience that each attempt will prove futile and painful, may lead the sufferer over time to be reluctant to continue with attempts at intercourse, which may lead to the breakdown of all sexual relations.

Provided there are no physical reasons for non-penetration and pain during intercourse, these physical symptoms may be the result of a deep-seated anxiety and as such will respond very well to hypnotherapy.

Please note: It is important to establish that the cause of this condition is NOT physical, prior to therapy. Please consult your doctor in the first instance.